11:28 PM

My Mis-Education

For as long as I can remember, there have been certain words that we have used in my family. These words have always been normal to me. If I were to say one of these words to someone in my family, they would know exactly what I was talking about. But since I've used some of these words to people outside of my family, I've been made fun of by the way I say them! The first and biggest example is the word "hair blower". You might call it a hair dryer or a blow dryer, but in my family it has always been called a hair blower. And trust me, I've been teased about this and I'll probably never hear the end of it. I think Bonny was the first person that pointed out to me that "hair blower" isn't a real word.. that may be true, (and is, I think..) it's a hair dryer to you - but it's always a hair blower to me. :)

Here is another example. I first heard the term "chest of drawers" a few months ago - like, heard it for the first time in my life! I seriously had no idea that's what these things were called. In my family, we have always called them "chester drawers". My dad says it, my mom says it, and I'm pretty sure that my sister says it. It's just weird calling it a chest of drawers - that isn't what it is! It's a chester drawers! Boy, have I been poorly mislead. The person to point this out to me was Mike. I was telling him about my chester drawers, and he was like, "What are you talking about?" Anyways, we googled both words, and I learned the error of my ways. And I was totally embarrassed.

This is one that I thought of just the other day. These are tennis shoes, right? Not in my family! We have always called these "tenner shoes". I don't even know what else to say. I know now that they aren't tenner shoes, but if you used that word in my family, they would know exactly what you were talking about.

If you used any of those words in my family, we would all know what you were talking about. But when I say it to anyone else, they don't have a clue. And then I get made fun of! I just can't believe that for most of my life, I thought that's what these things were really called. Oh well. I don't care if these words aren't real, I'm still going to use some of them. And I'm sure I could think of more if I were to really think about it.


Michael Woodward said...

I dunno if my family specifically mis-pronounces things. I know I do, but it's just me, not the rest of my kin.

As a family though, we use a lot of sayings, at least my dad does and I think the rest of the kids follow. Saying like "Can't make a silk sock out of a sow's ear," "He's a waste of skin," or "Couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel."

Bonny said...

What about "having shoe"? hee hee

I giggle every time I think about that.

Crystal said...

In my family we always say "changer" instead of "remote control". Whenever I use that word at work they laugh at me! But the other seems so formal and fake :)

Betty said...

Yeah, maybe I should post another blog and talking about the term "having shoe". Ugh. Or what my dad said it means when someone gives you the bird.. hahaha.

Katrina said...

crystal says changer?? What a dork we call it the box. I want to hear about having shoe.

Bonny said...

Update please! And you should write a blog about having shoe. Please!?!?

Betty said...


3+Love~aki=Us said...

As I read this blog I laughed and came up with a combo meal of each "Miseducation-al" term..
The hair blower blew off Chester's drawers which made him sing Tennor with just his shirt and shoes on. Not bad for a free combo meal,'ey?
Luv this post p.s.! ~Caroline

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